Sunday, November 25, 2007

Jonesin' for a . . . Well, Not This.

Do you ever have something about yourself that's just off? For instance, I've been having trouble distinguishing between the words "you're" and "your." This is something I never really dealt with in the past, and I'm not sure why I've all of a sudden become grammatically handicapped. Sometimes I wonder if I should just start doing drugs, because I've already got the side effects.

You know what I think it is? Poetic justice. I sometimes look down on people who don't spell well, or who seem not to bother with practicing proper English, so I think my struggle is fitting.

Blah. I've got nothing for a post today. Sorry, kids.

In other news, though, black cherry Jones Soda isn't as good as you might think it is. No sir.

It's almost Christmas! (sort of)


EtherFox said...

"Your" is possessive. Just remember when writing it's the one exception (I can think of) to the "apostrophe, possessive" rule;

Or just remember to read "You're" as "You are" and it should sorta resolve.

Now get back to hating on the willingly illiterate.

-E.F. aka Joe

Invin said...

I totally signed up for a google account just to leave you comments, krakah! Your blog is head and shoulders above 99% of the stuff I read in my daily interweb journeys.

Your appreciation for our English language gives me hope.