Thursday, November 15, 2007

Zodiac Sign . . . ?

I see that there's a "Zodiac Sign" bit on the complete profile section. Directly underneath the "Astrological Sign" bit.

Am I the only one who found this just a little bit silly?

Me: "Oh, hey [insert hot name here]. Have you seen my blog?"

Random Attractive Female With Whom I Have An Acquaintence Level Of Just Above Creepy: "Yeah."

Me: "So, you saw that I'm a Leo, right? You're a Leo, too, aren't you? I hear that Leos have the most fun, especially together. You know, like real lions. Because, you know, they hunt together . . . like gazelles and stuff."

R.A.F.: "Nope. Pisces."

Me: "Oh . . . Well, what do you think about the Chinese zodiac?"

Right. I'd have better luck taking my pickup lines from back-issues of Newtype USA.

(For those of you who don't know anything about anime or manga, that was hilarious. For those of you who do know a thing or two about anime or manga and saw through my mediocre attempt at humor, please don't ruin it for the others. ^_^)

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