Thursday, November 15, 2007

Hitchin' a Ride With a One-Way Ticket to Pleasure Island

I have finally jumped on the blog wagon. I feel my eager fingertips brimming with potential!

I do not feel this way about my school work, however. I stayed up late to cram for a Latin test and didn't start studying until four in the morning. Around eight-fifteen-ish I called it a night--er, a morning--and decided to take a two hour nap before class started. That two hour nap turned into a four hour nap, and I hardly even remember my alarm going off. I missed both my exam and a biology lab session, neither of which I can make up.

Hurray for being responsible!

I think I'm going to go drown my sorrows with a nice, cold can of Dew. Or perhaps a cola. Ah, ye luscious blend of sugary goodness. How your carbonated bite warms my heart so!

I should come up with something to put here besides stuff nobody wants to read. Perhaps I could join the throngs of webcomics floating all around Ye Olde Internetz.

Of course, I'd probably have the same problem there, too.

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