Sunday, May 30, 2010

Currently In the Phone Booth

In the process of changing my outfit. Metaphorically speaking. Instead of flying by the seat of my pants a la Powdered Toast Man, I've decided to take a more active and substantial approach to this blog. Starting now(ish), I'm going to do research. Yes, my reader(s), actual REASEARCH. Hopefully, this will lead to good things. And we all like good things. Expect something in the next 1 - 7 days. Maybe a week, at the absolute outside.

In the meantime, watch and be amused at this. If you're blind and you've come this far, though, you probably have super powers anyway, so you may find it dull and plebian. Apologies in advance, iDaredevil.

(On the off-chance you are in fact iDaredevil and you're looking for a sidekick, I'm still in the market for summer employment. I'm loyal, obedient, more than a little desperate, and willing to do anything for approval and/or cash. Like a big, dopey black lab that dresses in drag and sits expectantly on a street corner between the hours of 7 p.m. and midnight. I'm also completely unopposed to leather.)

See ya soon, fair citizens.